Forum 25 - August 2019

Our August forum was led by Alco Chan on Glute massage. In the gorgeous Harmonia co-working space we walked through the garden and fountains on a cool evening to enter a cozy space with wooden chairs, comfy cushions to sit on, and nice lighting. It is in this atmosphere we engaged with learning, together.

We discovered some techniques that included working with attachments and utilizing ROM (range of motion). By understanding the posterior kinetic chain and how the glutes are integral to low back pain and how we walk, as a group we uncovered some important aspects to massaging all fibers of the glutes.

“How many of you automotically massage the glutes,” Alco asked the group. Half of the hands raised and others gave explanations as to when they did, when they didn’t, and how they decided.

How about YOU? Do you automatically do glute massage in sessions? It’s a good question to consider.

If you have any questions about best practices when doing glute massage, check out Al’s website and see if there are any classes you may benefit from.